2 Shield Me From Infinity!

Pure Existence Godbeing Avatar Divine,
7th Stage Adept of the Reality-Way,
Adi Da The Awakener, I bow down to You!
Please shield me from Infinity with Earth's dark love!

Return me now to the Earth Goddess Womb—
Infinity burns me. I am almost mad.
Earth, Fire, Water and Air.
Enfold me darkly in the spell of this World!

Fiery Death-Slayer, Adi Da The Bright!
Illumine my Earth-Dream with your Fiery Eyes!
Living darkness, shield me from The Sun!
Let the dreams of childhood be the food of life.             

Dark Love! Dark Love! Adi Da The Bright!
Dark Love! Dark Love! Adi Da The Bright!
Dark Love! Dark Love! Adi Da The Bright!

The gateways to the higher planes are closed for you now. It has become too much. In your current state, Infinity naked will drive you mad. Why? You have ignored the Teachings of your Master. Turn your heart back to the Earth to find the hidden desire you have been denying yourself. Your spiritual exploits have led you to confusion about your sexual fires, which must be released before Cosmic Energy can be downloaded into your system. You are not a Sanyasi or a Brahmacharya. You are not wired for 24/7 Reality-Bliss. Holding back your sexual urges, which, as a solid, you have been doing, is another form of madness. Turn to your Master to review His Instructions. Accept who you are as a sexual being, integrate your sexual energy into your Spirit Divine, and then be prepared for a different cosmic experience than the one that was burning you mad. If, of course, that is your destiny. Oh Yes! Being Itself Is Infinity. That you Always Already Are. Inside the hidden caves of Earth's dark love, Adi Da Himself 
is Burning Bright!