Pure Existence Godbeing Avatar Divine,
7th Stage Adept of Reality-Way,
Adi Da The Awakener, I bow down to You!
carry me past Death with Ecstatic Love!
heart has burst open! Don’t hold me back!
Heart-Master! Fill me with unbounded desire!
Heart-Master! Free me from ridicule and laughter!
Adi Da! Consume me! I am your lover!
is freedom! Ecstasy is freedom!
Fiery Death-Slayer, Adi Da The Bright!
Burn me to the bone! I
am madness itself!
me now all-yielding on the wasteland of oblivion!
body is wide open! I abjure all peace!
Adi Da Adi Da Madness Is Bright!
Adi Da Adi Da Madness Is Bright!
Adi Da Adi Da Madness Is Bright!
you want peace or love? And is love what you think it is? Did you create
children with love and teach them your way of life that they might pass on to
their kids the virtues that you saw mature in them? And now, as you look at how
the youth of the world revel in things that are so deceiving, do you see how
small your contributions has been? Do you see that what you had to give up to
make that little bit work and how, as a result, 99.99% of the desire living
inside you never got expressed?
wasn’t your sex life just a shadow of your being, and didn’t sex end up being
the only door that was even partially open for you, the one you came back to
when other offers from the world ended up in disappointment? Isn’t all this
true? And when you really dig down deep into the thing, isn’t it true that all
you have really wanted is to strip down to the most naked that you can be and
stand up to the universe and say, “Here I am! See me! Take me!”—not caring
about your best lover, your spouse, children, parents, friends, or ghosts
from the past—that this is all you have ever wanted—sex with God—the ecstasy of
loving until everything not love burns away, taking you with it, putting
yourself deep inside your own sex to find the core of your being burning for
attention, knowing finally that it is only you who exists, the one fire that
becomes two and the infinite many, then wanting the two again so that Reality can have sex with itself and explore the infinite delusions of love
that arise from two, so that you can come again and again in orgasmic
realizations that you would not surrender for a farthing less than the
infinitude of sucking God’s tongue exploding deep inside your throat as you
devour yourself with the raw passion of your own existence? Is it peace you
really want, my love? Do you really think that will do?
Advanced CommentaryIn this Prayer, the Cosmic Fire is in the process
of annihilating this ego-I, which cries out in ecstasy as it surrenders itself
into the Divine Fire of Pure Existence. The demands of the ego-I are the last vestige of its
individualized existence before it is destroyed. The finality of this
experience is the pure desire for it.
The core of its plea is that it not have to experience a mortal
death, which is the agonizing disintegration of the body from misuse,
dysfunction or simple decay. It would rather burn up in the Fires of Pure Existence crying out its Ecstasy as its compensation for having to live in the
dark cave of mortal life. Ecstasy is the final bursting of confining forms on
the way to Annihilation: “Fill me with unbounded desire!” It feels
the last veils of its mortal pain being burned away: “Free me from ridicule and
laughter!” The end is near when it becomes Pure Exultation: “Ecstasy is
freedom! Ecstasy is freedom!”
As the ego-I moves through its increasingly frenetic pleas, it
takes on a sexual identity. The formless Fire of Pure Existence is the male
essence penetrating the female essence, Formlessness Itself, in the last throes of its
disintegration, opening itself to the irresistible madness that will destroy
it. There is nothing more desirable, nothing more fulfilling, nothing more Absolute for the ego-I than to be consumed by the very madness which
temporarily constricted itself into mortal life. In the Ecstasy of its
destruction, just on the edge of Absolute Annihilation, seeking Oblivion with
the last thread of its Existence, the the ego-I, Narcissus, cries out to the Death-Slayer Adi
Da: “I am madness itself! Your only mistress!” For the ego-I, now fully aware of what its Existence has been, peace is
insanity. The seed of this Realization is the Fire of Life Itself.